Step 2. Choosing authorization method

Authorization enables to control access to your personal data. You can use one of the following authorization methods:

  • Master Password. To unlock the Password Database, you must enter the Master Password. This is the default authorization method.
  • USB device. To access the Password Database, connect any USB device to your computer. For example, flash cards, cameras, MP3 players, and external hard drives can be used as a USB device. When the USB device is disabled, the Password Database is automatically locked.
  • Bluetooth device. To access the Password Database, use a Bluetooth device. Bluetooth must be enabled on both the mobile phone and the computer which uses Kaspersky Password Manager. When connecting a mobile phone and computer via Bluetooth, the Password Database will be unlocked. If the link drops (e.g. you disable Bluetooth on the mobile phone), the Password Database will be locked.
  • Without authorization (not recommended). Access to the database will be unprotected. Your personal data will be available for all users who work on your computer.

If you select authorization using a USB or Bluetooth device, you are recommended to remember your Master Password. If there is no authorization device available, Kaspersky Password Manager enables the use of Master Password for access to your personal data.

You can change the authorization method later.

Step 2. Choosing authorization method