Frequently used accounts

Kaspersky Password Manager provides quick access to accounts. The list of frequently used accounts is displayed in the main application window. It can also be displayed in the context menu and in the Caption Button menu. This list contains the names of applications / web pages that you run most frequently. Items in the list are arranged in alphabetical order or by frequency of use.

The list of frequently used accounts is available in the menu if Password Database is not locked.

You can set the following list options:

  • Number of items in the list – maximum number of frequently used accounts that are displayed in the context menu of the application;
  • Show the list in the system tray menu – the list of frequently used accounts will be accessible in the context menu of Kaspersky Password Manager;
  • Display in the Caption Button menu – the list of frequently used accounts will be accessible in the Caption Button menu (from the application / browser window).

To display frequently used accounts in the context menu, please do the following:

  1. Open the main application window.
  2. In the bottom part of the window, click the Kaspersky Password Manager button.
  3. In the window that opens, click the Settings button.
  4. In the left part of the window, select the Frequently used Accounts section.
  5. In the right part of the window, check the Show the list in the system tray menu box.

    To display the list of frequently used accounts in the Caption Button menu, additionally check the Display in the Caption Button menu box.

    If the Show the list in the system tray menu box is not checked, the remaining options in the list cannot be modified.

  6. Specify the number of accounts in the List size field.
  7. If necessary, modify the items in the list manually. To remove an item from the list, select the required account in it, and click Delete. To delete all items from the list, click Clear.

Frequently used accounts